Honduras, Thailand, Panama, Nicaragua and Mexico offer similar lifestyles for comparable prices, according to the magazine. 据该杂志称,在洪都拉斯、泰国、巴拿马、尼加拉瓜和墨西哥也能以差不多的价格过上类似的舒适生活。
If products identical with or similar to the imported product have comparable prices in the exporting countries'marketplace, those comparable prices shall be the normal value; 进口产品的相同或者类似产品在出口国市场上有可比价格的,以该可比价格为正常价值;
Gross Value-added of industry are calculated at current prices, Indices are based on comparable prices. 本表增加值按当年价格计算,指数按可比价格计算。
Although stockmarket sentiment towards China's property developers has plummeted, there does not yet appear to be a comparable drop in the prices of flats or rental rates for offices. 股市上地产版块一路狂泻,但是住房的价格和写字楼的出租率却没有显著下滑。
Note: 1.The absolute numbers are calculated at current prices, the relative numbers are calculated at comparable prices. 注:1。表中绝对数按现行价格计算;相对数按可比价格计算。
In certain metropolitan areas in which the two utilities operate side by side, I am told that comparable houses sell at higher prices in these cities if they are located in our service area. 在某些两大电力公司业务相邻的都市地区,据我所知,在这些城市中,位于我们服务区的房屋售价比其他地区同类房屋价格要高。
Note: Figures in value terms on GDP are at current prices, whereas growth rates are at comparable prices. 注:地区生产总值绝对值按现价计算,发展速度按可比价格计算。
Accounting records and financial statements must be prepared according to prescribed accounting treatments, and accounting information of an enterprise must be compatible and comparable. Note: The indices in this table are calculated at comparable prices. Per capita GDP is calculated by household registered population. (五)业的会计核算应当按照规定的会计处理方法进行,会计指标应当口径一致、互可比。注:本表按可比价格计算,其中本市人均生产总值为按户籍人口计算值。
Figures in value terms on gross domestic product and value-added quoted in the Communique are at current prices, whereas growth rates are calculated at comparable prices. 国内生产总值、产业增加值绝对数按现价计算,增长速度按可比价计算。
However, that doesn't stop me from stocking Korean designers, because their designs are comparable to Japanese designers but the prices are more affordable. 但是,这并不阻止我袜子韩国设计师,因为他们的设计,媲美日本设计师,但价格更便宜。
The transition of Pricing mechanism must subject to the purpose of price reform, i.e., to establish reasonable relation of comparable prices; 价格形成机制的转换必须服从于价格改革的目的,即建立各类产品间合理的比价关系,市场定价模式需要一个长时期才可能实现。